Sweet Starbucks ;) or the ppl I should say
Lepaking at starbucks at the moment, for nearly 5hrs now. Howoo... We already came here last nite, and the workers cud even remember us. hua3... Studying biochem has never been more fun ;P kui3... the abang working here is sooo laa nice. He greets us soo laa friendly, with that cheerful smile =D (ahemm...sesungguhnya ciptaan Tuhan itu indah...) Feel like wanna come here more often. ngeh3... gedix mode after muj mozek (my brain) has bcome a lil bit tepu. neeed a breeaakk.... desperately... got a test tomorrow, and on thurs as well.. huu.. didnt have time to enjoy my weekend this week (T_T).... almost half a dozen of tests in 3 weeks in a row... positive2... think positively pls... this is a training... cant complain of too much work, coz I've already chosen this path. =)I also missed the chance to watch Madagascar 2!!! huuu.... m sooo gonna seek revenge for that. hahha... my blakang has sakit2 oredi due to looong 'studying hours'. kui3...Physiology is interesting, yet scary.Biochemistry is fun, yet unexpectable.Genetics is trigerring, yet complicated.The road is long, we're on stony ground...
Jaa ne!
haih..kesian starbuck..
best jumpa abg2 sweet..
payah tul nk jumpa kat sini..kakak2sweet cam tak byk laaa..abg2 sweet n cumil2 bykkkk..
to je busan..
to je zivot v praze...hahhaa
aisshh...ape ksian starbucks, ksian ktorg ni. kering poket i kjap...isskkk.... sume salah starbucks! sape suh amek abg cumel keje =D *indahnye ciptaan Tuhan...kui3*
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