In a land not so far away, there lives a beautiful girl named Nazli. A warm, cute-looking girl (gile kipas budak nih), she is lucky because she is Syamira's best friend! haha! (ok, I'm the one who's lucky) =P
NAZLI AND ME (suddenly me too~):
1. Full name : Nazli binti Mohd Annuar.
I still remember the very first time tanya nama dia time kat Qber dulu, dia ckp nama dia Rohani. 'call me Datin Ro~'. erkk...
2. She is the third from 6. 2 elder brothers, 1 younger sister, 2 younger brothers.
3. The name Nazli was taken after a doctor's name. (her mom and mine sure got something in common - naming their daughters after a doctor's name. adeh3...)
tp makbul jgk, now she's studying to become a dentist =D
4. IC no. : 870325-03-5500! (similar IC no. we have here)
5. Fun and happy-go lucky type of girl. She always has funny stories to tell.
Kalo dia cite bab2 stress pun, lepas tu mesti gelak2 jgk. hahaha...this girl, really a 'rare species'.
6. Dia sanggup balik weekend dan ponteng program just sbb nak jumpa her old friend. =) this is the fact I like about her. I think I wanna go to UIA this year. and have Paih fetch me up. hehe! ops, it was Nazli's idea. I'm not the one bullying Faiz.
7. She already has a boyfriend. =( *melepas....*
we always tell this to each other,
nasib baek kau ni perempuan, kalau x da lama aku ngorat.
If I were born a guy, I would definitely have her as my girl! kui3...lesbo seyh~
8. We did have this childish promise of naming our first sons the same name.
mesti rasa nk tegelak2 ingat hal nih. xtau sekarang valid lagi ke x.
9. I don't need to tell her everything. SHE JUST KNEW!
I wonder how... =)
10. We loved to talk about the future. How sweet those times were.
11. We stayed up all night on the very last day of school. Esok pagi kat surau, masing2 'campak' Yassin kecik tu. ooppss...x sngaja...da ngantok sgt~
12. There were few times I burst out not only laugh, but also drinking water because of her. Tapi selalu mangsa org laen, bukan dia. hahahha! (she keeps reminding me of this. grrr)
13. She has a funny mother. Her mother once told her,
'Lie, kalu nok nikoh, tggu Syamira kelik dulu.' (Lie, kalo nak kawen, tggu Syamira balik dulu.)
keep that promise yea!!
14. She means more than a world to me.
15. I never thot she would become my very best friend up until now. I miss her so much.
16. She loves to draw funny cartoons/caricatures. I'm a fan of her drawings =)
17. Kami selalu ada 'surat chenta'. \(^^,)/
Pengubat rindu jawuh2...
18. She is a consultant + friend + sister + psychologist + psychiatrist + teacher + bedmate+ SOULMATE!
19. There were times when we shared a bed with 3 people. Nazli, Mina and me. We're best friends =)
*tingat katil Qber yang kecik tu*
20. Mina and Nazli were born on the same month, March. Also, they are the third in the family. I have a tendency to be close to the third ones I think.
21. Kalo ckp dekat fon, there will be a lot of, 'ehemm...', 'ahemm...', 'ehh...', 'arrmmm'....etc. then my mum would go, what were you talking about on the phone like that?? =P haha, sure mum didnt understand. (mum loves to sneak)
22. She is my 'kawan melalak'. Duhh, what girlfriends are for kan? hehe
23. Her 'artwork',
24. Too much to say about her. Sarangheyo nazli-shi \(^^,)/
May God protect her from any harm, shower her with His blessings, joy and happiness, and grant her jannah in the life hereafter.
This video with the Jason Mraz's part took place in Prague. =)
Lucky to be coming home someday....wuuhhhuuuu...Bogoshippo!
aish..seb baek pompuan..ingatkan buaya fren cik syabby(baru nk gossip..hehehe) dier cam boy..hehehe..
apa2 pon mmg best ader bestfren yg senantiasa best..hehehe
haisshhh....jane nih...suke bebeno die gos2 nih =P
owh aritu bday die. so tulis la psl die. hehe...
hait!! die mmg super best!! =D
jane pn super best jgk. hehehehe...(kipas2....)
jane, urutan kamu aritu bekesan!! weeeee..da blh flex, tp ade sikit2 la rse lagi. tp da blh fleexxxx!!! =D thanx jane! kamu mmg bessttt!
(haissshhh...ruma dekat2 tp kat sni jgk nk ckp tank u. hik3)
mu mina n nazli ats satu katil...???
oh no!!!!!!
x cek kaki katil tuh?
aku rs mcm ade retak...
gile lesb mu dlo2 dess....
panda mu susuk~
aish, npknye Qber berjaya membekalkan katil yg kukuh kpd studentnya =D
katil itu mempunyai threshold utk menampung berat yang tinggi
waaaaa!!!!!!....x aci!!!!!ak x masuk korummm!!!!! ='(......weyh....suko hati deys letok ak jibah the geds....huhuh=P
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